Download RFP Template

Evaluating the Right Branded Calling Solution and Provider

This RFP Template should be used as you evaluate potential branded calling solution providers on the market. Armed with the top questions to vet vendors, it will guide you to the best partner who can help you achieve maximum ROI while achieving the highest success.
Numeracle branded call layers floating above a phone

About this RFP Template

If you’re on the hunt for a branded calling solution, unsure of where to start, or feel overwhelmed by your options, we’re here to help you make well-informed decisions and help guide you. Our close industry ties and relationships with the branded calling solution providers allow us to offer branded calling across all major wireless carriers while being able to consult you as you select the right solution for you.

Branding is not a one size fits all solution. Make sure whoever you’re partnering with is adaptable to suit your needs and the scope of the problem. We’ve had many types of businesses looking to achieve different goals, but we can help because we’ve taken the time to understand what you’re looking for in a solution and how to ensure this solution works to achieve your bottom line without breaking your budget.

Top 5 Considerations

Before you meet with a vendor, there are multiple considerations you need to answer within your business to ensure you're setting up your branded calling campaign strategy for success.

KPIs & Measuring Success

Discover which questions will help you start your evaluation with level-setting your goals and expectations instead of getting too caught up in the details. After defining how much you know and having a clear goal you’re trying to accomplish, you can establish how you will measure your success to ensure that the solution providers you're evaluating will meet your branding requests.

Call Intent & Branding Treatment

The next set of questions help you ensure you and a potential vendor are on the same page regarding how you plan on implementing and conducting your branded phone calling campaigns. Because branded calling is a dynamic and customizable technology, there are several approaches you may want to consider, depending on who you’re calling and why.

Solution Reach & Capabilities

Where does the overall cost of branding outweigh the results?
It starts with an insight
Ready to take control of how your identity is presented to consumers? 
Are you curious about how your calls are being labeled? Maybe you know you have a problem and don't know where to start?

Contact us today and take the first step towards high quality and trusted connections.