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Numeracle Releases Part II of STIR/SHAKEN Implementation Report

October 11, 2021 8:00 AM

McLean, Va., Oct. 7th, 2021 – Numeracle™ Inc. (“Numeracle”), the pioneer of Verified Identity™ for communications, today announced the release of its follow-up STIR/SHAKEN Implementation Report (“Implementation Report”) analyzing voice service provider progress implementing the STIR/SHAKEN Caller ID Authentication Framework and submissions of certified Robocall Mitigation Plans leading up to and post September 28th. 

September 28, 2021 marked the deadline prohibiting voice service providers and intermediate providers from directly accepting and passing traffic from providers who have not complied with the deadlines set forth by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “the Commission”) and are not listed in the Robocall Mitigation Database (“the Database”). Part II of Numeracle’s Implementation Report compares the implementation status of service providers in the Database in the final days leading up to the September 28th deadline to the days immediately following it. 

With the FCC’s next focus on gateway providers as the point of entry for foreign calls into the U.S., the Commission is seeking comments on proposed changes and questions regarding the treatment of voice traffic originating abroad. The issue of its Fourth (WC Docket No. 17-97) and Fifth (CG Docket No. 17-59) Notices of Proposed Rulemaking focus on the Commission’s expectations for gateway providers to prevent illegal robocalls originating abroad from entering the U.S. The FCC is also seeking comments on the efficacy of the Robocall Mitigation Database, and its continued role moving forward.

To access the Numeracle STIR/SHAKEN Implementation Report: Part II, visit  For service provider recommendations on implementing identity vetting and verification in support of STIR/SHAKEN implementation, download the Numeracle and Aegis Mobile KYC best practices guide at

About Numeracle
Numeracle's Entity Identity Management™ (EIM) platform enables service and platform providers to manage the identity of end entities and implement Know Your Customer (KYC) policies to outbound communications. KYC identity vetting and verification is the cornerstone of the platform; developed in support of evolving federal regulations and telecom standards. Leveraging entity identity, EIM is used to associate Verified Identity™ to outbound communications, manage branded presentation across the wireless network, deliver blocking and labeling prevention and remediation, visibility to number reputation, and more, to support service and platform provider requirements to empower wanted communications while monitoring for and blocking the illegal. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Molly Weis
VP, Marketing & Communications
+1(814) 380-1181
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