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Call Record Review for KYC and Fraud Mitigation

How and when call records may be used as part of a Know Your Customer (KYC) or fraud mitigation program to identify call campaigns potentially seeking to defraud call recipients.
Call Record Review for KYC and Fraud Mitigation Whitepaper hero image

About this Whitepaper

This document attempts to outline how and when analysis of call records may be used as part of a Know Your Customer (KYC) or fraud mitigation program to identify and mitigate high-volume call campaigns potentially seeking to defraud call recipients.

Topics include the call records that are generally available to voice service providers, useful metrics to review when monitoring for potentially high-risk call traffic, how service providers can conduct further investigations in response to these metrics, and a general discussion of limitations and opportunities.

Utilizing Call Detail Records

Most service providers retain some form of call detail records (CDRs) which include many data points that the provider wants to provide about a call. Find out which ones are beneficial for KYC.

Trends & Data

An analysis and KYC use case for data points like call volume, trends, call capacity, answer seizure rate, short call duration percentage, and average call duration.

Call Record Metric Review & Action

One of the most effective methods to control traffic quality is using metric-based financial penalties. Learn more about penalty limitations, vulnerabilities, and what to do in pre-contract scenarios.
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