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Implementation guide

Implementing KYC on Your Network or Communications Platform

Numeracle and Aegis Mobile's comprehensive implementation guide for identity verification and monitoring for communications in support of the call authentication framework. This document was introduced at the 2020 SIPNOC event, hosted by the SIP Forum.
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Numeracle + Aegis Mobile KYC Implementation Guide

About this Guide

KYC didn’t use to be associated with the telecommunications industry, but as service providers execute their Robocall Mitigation Plans and continue to extend STIR/SHAKEN deployment in support of the FCC, identifying every entity originating traffic on your network or platform with confidence is the new normal and expectation.

Identifying every entity communicating across your network can often be easier said than done. Today, there is a complicated relationship between the entity behind the call (also referred to as the calling party, brand, or enterprise), its outsourced contact center partners, number provisioners, and any other party involved in facilitating the call’s origination.

This guide helps break down these complexities so you can implement meaningful KYC due diligence on your network or platform.

Why Know Your Customer?

Both the FCC and FTC, in particular, have been very vocal about these emerging requirements. Over and over they have maintained it’s the carriers’ and service providers’ responsibility to monitor and ensure no illegal traffic is being facilitated across their networks or technology platforms.

Complexities of Identifying Down to the Calling Party Brand

A very common and complex situation faced by many originating service providers is the role of the intermediary in delivering traffic on behalf of an enterprise brand.

Implementing a Local Policy Identity Verification Solution

For originating service providers, your “local policy” otherwise known as “how you define how to meet the requirements of signing to A, B or C level based on the STIR/SHAKEN standards” starts with the question of “how deep do you want to vet?”

Implementing KYC-Based Identity Verification and Risk Mitigation

Aegis Mobile and Numeracle have joined together to support the ongoing service provider requirements of STIR/SHAKEN execution and the associated Robocall Mitigation Plans required to continue to strengthen and ensure the success of the caller authentication framework deployed.
It starts with an insight
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