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Numeracle Sets New Remediation Record Alongside Remediation Dashboard Product Launch

December 19, 2022 8:00 AM

McLean, Va., December 19, 2022 – Numeracle™ Inc. (“Numeracle”), the pioneer of Verified Identity™ for communications, today announced the launch of its Remediation Dashboard while achieving an all-time record of phone numbers successfully remediated via its Entity Identity Management™ platform.

Negative call reputation associated with phone numbers has been impacting businesses’ ability to connect with consumers since the onset of call blocking and labeling technologies in 2017. Numeracle’s Entity Identity Management (EIM) platform, launched in 2018, marked the first enterprise-focused identity management solution built to solve the problem of improper identity display in communications. Before Congress and the FCC issued the carrier-focused mandate to provide redress of issues relating to blocking and labeling, Numeracle has been remediating numbers since its inception, processing a record 61,111 remediations to date this year alone. 

“Today’s announcement comes in recognition of the days’, weeks’, months’, and years’ work that the phenomenal members of the Numeracle Client Engagement Team have put into remediating mislabeled numbers on behalf of our customers since day one,” said Joe Galvin, VP of Client Engagement, Numeracle. “With the launch of our Remediation Dashboard, which brings even more visibility to exactly which numbers are being remediated, when, and the result, Numeracle continues to deliver a superior solution to our customers to solve the very real, constantly evolving, and business critical issues created by improper blocking and labeling.”

Numeracle’s Remediation Dashboard is now available as a standard feature to all customers as part of its EIM platform. The platform provides business entities, vetted and verified via Numeracle’s Know Your Customer process, access to phone number registration, number reputation monitoring, and remediation reporting, along with the optional ability to add Smart Branding™  to manage customizable branded campaigns across the full carrier ecosystem. 

More statistics on Numeracle’s latest number remediation milestone can be found in its 2022 Number Remediation Recap Report. To get started with phone number remediation as part of an end-to-end contact strategy, contact us today.

About Numeracle
Numeracle's Entity Identity Management™ (EIM) platform enables service and platform providers to manage the identity of end entities and implement Know Your Customer (KYC) policies to outbound communications. KYC identity vetting and verification is the cornerstone of the platform; developed in support of evolving federal regulations and telecom standards. Leveraging entity identity, EIM is used to associate Verified Identity™ to outbound communications, manage branded presentation across the wireless network, deliver blocking and labeling prevention and remediation, visibility to number reputation, and more, to support service and platform provider requirements to empower wanted communications while monitoring for and blocking the illegal. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Molly Weis
VP, Marketing & Communications
+1(814) 380-1181
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