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The January 2023 Remediation Report: The Record-Breaking Continues

Early Trends Signal Expected Surge in Remediation Requests
2 min read
Written by
Mary Gonzalez, Brand & Content Manager
Published on
February 10, 2023
Remediation Report 2022

Remediation Recap

In 2022, we identified that an average of 25% of a business’s phone calls are typically at risk for being improperly labeled with tags like Spam, Scam, or Fraud. As we know, the only way to fix this is through a validated remediation process. Last year saw record-breaking numbers of successful remediation for our customers to improve negative labels from harming their calls, emphasizing the importance of remediation solutions to correct these labeling issues. 

To learn more about our remediation services and successes and to review the data collected in 2022, visit our Remediation Yearly Report.

January 2023 Monthly Trends: Remediations Continue to Soar 

The record-breaking trends of 2022 have followed us into the first month of 2023, with successful remediations skyrocketing to 15,620 compared to the 705 completed by this time last year. The growth year to year reflects an astounding 2,116% leap in successful remediations.

Remediations in January 2022 versus January 2023

Looking back on January, we’re predicting more remediations than we had expected going into this year, which could be due to changes we’re seeing at the analytics level. It’s common for carriers and analytics partners to periodically recalibrate the algorithms they use to score and label calls with Spam tags, which can either negatively or positively impact how calls are labeled. Based on our analysis, we’re witnessing recent increases in remediations that are primarily due to those recalibrations, coupled with the fact that Numeracle’s customer base has grown so we continue to process higher averages of remediations requests.

Despite these algorithmic changes and increases in remediation requests, our support team is well-equipped to handle the surges and continue to maintain a high success rate with less than a day of turnaround time to remediate any labels. 

The Case for Remediation

To highlight the effectiveness of remediation, we analyzed registration and remediation data across the 450+ businesses that trust us to protect their calling identity and number reputation and calculated the positive ROI and improvements to call delivery and contact rates in our latest case study. See what’s possible with remediation and the improvements to your call delivery when you take control of your identity and call presentation. 

To learn more about how you can take advantage of our Verified Identity, call blocking and labeling prevention, and remediation services, contact us and get set up with one of our experts. 

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