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Reinventing “Caller Identity” with Rich Call Data, Podcast

A Telecom Reseller Hosted Podcast
Written by
Mary Gonzalez, Brand & Content Manager
Molly Weis, VP of Marketing
Published on
June 23, 2022

Businesses are now displaying a brand name to wireless subscribers using the latest call enhancement technologies.

Branded calling is still a new technology but it has the ability to elevate trust in a caller’s identity. This tech is powered by rich call data (RCD) displayed on a wireless subscriber’s incoming call screen in the form of the company’s brand name and/or logo, sometimes with an optional call reason field, depending on the solution and device.

When successfully implemented, branded calling can empower consumers with more call information, boosting their confidence to make the right choice when deciding which calls are important to them and whether or not they want to answer. In this podcast, we’ll cover both misconceptions of what this technology IS and IS NOT, and take a look at the security considerations involved in keeping this technology out of the reach of bad actors.

“What we have to do is come together as an industry, from the enterprises to voice service providers and the terminating carriers who are transmitting the presentation to the consumer and define the policies and the expectations. They’re not crystal clear yet.”
—Rebekah Johnson, Numeracle

Tune in and listen to the podcast episode here:

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